
Tact in Begging

– The human heart is a curiously strange, instrument. It produces stranger vibrations, according to the skill of the hand that seeks to get music out of it. The art of approaching the mind from the right quarter, and successfully arousing its emotions, is one that every man does not understand. Some seem to have the gift of doing this thing very adroitly. We give the following as a specimen.

An English preacher advocating the generous support of an important charitable object, prefaced the circulation of the contribution boxes with this address to his hearers: -

“From the great sympathy I have witnessed in your countenances, and the strict attention you have honoured me with, there is only one thing I am afraid of, that some of you may feel inclined to give too much. Now, it is my duty to inform you, that justice, though not so pleasant, yet should always be a prior virtue to generosity; therefore as you will be immediately waited upon in your respective pews, I wish to have it thoroughly understood that no person will think of putting anything into the box who cannot pay his debts.”

The result was an overflowing collection.




Take care of yourself & Character by Fitzosborne