

I remember on one occasion, travelling in this country with a companion who possessed some knowledge of medicine; we arrived at a door near which we were about to pitch our tent, when a crowd of Arabs surrounded us, cursing and swearing at the rebellers against God. My friend, who spoke a little Arabic, turning to an elderly person, whose garb bespoke him a priest, said – “Who taught you that we are disbelievers? Hear my daily prayer, and judge for yourselves.” He then repeated the Lord’s Prayer. All stood amazed and silent, till the priest exclaimed – “May God curse me, if ever I curse again those who hold such a belief; nay, more, that prayer shall be my prayer till my hour be come. I pray thee, O Nazarene, repeat that prayer, that it may be remembered and written among us in letter of gold. –

Hay’s Western Barbary.


The Gospel of Nature


The Right Sort of Religion