Transcripts from original newspaper articles: -


The Book of Job is generally as the most perfect specimen of the poetry of the Hebrews. It is alike picturesque in the delineation of individual phenomena, and artistically skillful in the didactic arrangement of the whole work. In all the modern languages into which the Book of Job has been translated, it images, drawn from the natural scenery of the East, leave a deep impression on the mind. “The Lord walketh on the heights of the waters, on the ridges of the waves towering high beneath the force of the wind.” “The morning red has colored the margins of the earth, and variously formed the covering of the clouds, as the hand of man molds the yielding clay.” The habits of animals are described, as, for instance, those of the wild ass, the horse, the buffalo, the rhinoceros, and the crocodile, the eagle and the ostrich. We see “the pure ether spread, during the scorching heat of the South wind, as a melted mirror over the parched desert.”

The poetic literature of the Hebrews is not deficient in a variety of form; for while the Hebrew poetry breathes a tone of warlike enthusiasm, from Joshua to Samuel, the little book of the gleaner Ruth presents us with a charming and exquisite picture of nature. Goethe, at the period of his enthusiasm for the East, spoke of it “as the loveliest specimen of epic and idyl poetry which we possess.’ – Humboldt’s Cosmos, vol. ii, p. 60.


Is it true that there are in the world 670,000,000 of our fellow-creatures who are still bowing down to stocks and stones, ignorant of the living and true God; and all this in a time emphatically called “The age of missions?”

Is it true that in our own land the Sabbath is openly, legally desecrated by liquor and other traffic, open railway and excursion parties, with many other habitual customs?

Is it true that there are, every year, at least 8,000,000 of quarters of grain used in making spirituous liquors, the bane and curse of the people?

Is it true that the issues of the infidel and immoral press are far above the religious; and that while the land is flooded with worthless and immoral publications, sound religious papers are comparatively rarely met with?

And, finally, is it true, that by far the greater portion of professing Christians never effectually aid in the work of evangelization, save by an occasional subscription or temporary effort?

Reader, what are you doing for Christ? You have now entered upon the latter half of the year. Is it not well to call yourself to account for the manner in which you have spent the first? Have you lived for yourself, or for your Saviour? Have you got nearer to heaven, or nearer to hell, than you were at the beginning of the year? Answer to God and your own conscience in view of the judgment seat of Christ.


The Bible Before Classics


The Gospel of Nature