

Despair not! Despair not! Oh, never repine!
Hope on! Hope on! While the sun doth shone:
While the birds sing sweetly, and fly through the air,
Have faith, still have hope, and never despair!

Hope on! Hope on! Oh, ne’er be dismay’d!
Though temptations assail, you have strength for your aid:
Though friends may forsake thee, and true friends be rare,
Let hope be your watchword, and never despair!

Never despair! There are joys yet to come;
Not all perhaps you wish for, but “God’s will be done;
Have faith in His mercy – He’ll lighten your care;
Strive to server Him sincerely, and never despair!

Hope on! Hope on! The future will come,
And bright be the dawn of eternity’s sun
On those who unwavering still faithfully dare
To cleave to the right, and who never despair!


Mrs Lofty and I by Mrs C Gildersleeve


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