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Many persons pride themselves on being economical housekeepers, and indeed they do so rightfully when compared with the greater number, who practice no economy at all. Yet a keen observer would be able to detect more than one waste-pipe in the systems of some of our deserving matrons. The error they commit is in cooking too much, and in feeding not only the rational appetites of the members of their families, but their irrational appetites also, and having enough over for the swill-tub.

The great secret of successful housekeeping is so to manage that nothing is lost; and the safest way to arrive at this desirable end is not to cook too much. The matron should confine her culinary dates to the preparation of such food as is most needed, and carefully to save the parts that are left. If she will make cake and preserves, she should make the simplest, and serve up one thing at a time, both for economy’s sake and for health’s sake. In times of high prices, she should give up altogether the preparation of such things (?) as cake and pastry and preserves, which require butter and sugar and spices, and should use all her flour for bread.

It is not mean to eat sparingly of such things as in times of plenty we indulge in to full extent, if we only eat enough of the real substantial food – bread, meat and potatoes, which are our only absolute needs for health, so far as eating is concerned.


Early Marriages


Economy in a Family