Diary of Grace Russ (1933-2006)

Move to Bristol

Letter to mum:

I had my hair done yesterday and the hairdresser showed me some photos of her cats (she has three!).  They are beautiful looking ones, and I am hoping she will let me have a copy before I leave.

There is nothing to report from this end yet.  No black eyes or broken bones etc., and once I get down to Bristol they will be a thing of the past anyway.  I have told Arthur that I am going to start a new live and have NO INVOLVEMENT whatsoever.  So you had better keep this letter to hand ready to push under my nose at some later date if I look like leaving the ‘straight and narrow’ again!  O.K?  So don’t lose it as you know me – so very weak-willed and gullible etc.

I have given in my notice to my boss.  He is not too happy about it, but I told him to look on the bright side as every cloud has a silver lining, and he may get someone who is a non-smoker like himself and who will therefore not pollute his atmosphere, thus enabling him to live to a ripe old age!

I will keep you informed of how things go this end, and will see you in just a few weeks’ time…. Permanently! (I only hope you don’t live to regret your generous offer to let me share your home and expenses – I can always ‘run off’ with Jim to Amsterdam if you do!) …. I can already hear you saying “Oh! My God” but you can stop biting your fingernails and stop worrying about it as I wouldn’t anyway (I haven’t got a Passport!).

Grace Russ - 16th August 1977


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To The Auction ~